Off to Greenville .Net Users Group to give Attribute and AOP presentation

Well, I am off to give a presentation to the .Net Users Group in Greenville The topic will be AOP, Attributes and Reflection as well as a discussion of my Validation framework.



  • That's funny, we just had Tom Barnaby, an INETA speaker, come by to our user group to talk on the same subject. Do you know him?

    Maybe you guys should compare notes… :)

  • Argh--I didn't know there was GSP users group! Unfortunately, I have class on Tuesday's and won't be able to attend :( But now I know you're there, and I will attend someday!

    Thanks for posting!

  • I'd like to compare notes with him. How did his presentation go?

    I have found that few people have heard of Aspects or its distant cousin Attributes.....In order to show anything remotely talking about aspects (not attributes but aspects) you have to talk about Java because it is the only platform that really has anything of production quality. The potential for .Net to do the same is astounding but just not there yet.

    -Mathew Nolton

  • I enjoyed the presentation. Don't feel bad... I used to use Netbeans too before I migrated to Eclipse and then IDEA. Thanks for coming out.

  • Thanks Avery,

    You were the guy sitting in the front on my left...right? As I recall you were the one asking about Java IDE's. Thanks for having me. I enjoyed meeting with your group.

    -Mathew Nolton

  • Nah, that was another guy. I was the one who won the graphics server .net license. I had heard about AOP before (I think I might have read something about it in the Pragmatic Programmer but don't hold me to that) but it was nice to learn more about it and to clear up some misconceptions. Thanks again.

  • Are you going to do any more articles on AOP in .NET? I think there's a lot of uncharted territory to cover on the subject.

  • I really want to. At the very least I want to get on my soapbox. So many people are equating attributes with aspects and interception with AOP. There is so much more to aspects and AOP then this and its confusing much of the market out there.

  • Mathew,

    I was going to talk to you about the presentation, but your contact link keeps bouncing my emails back.

    You should be able to contact me through

    Send me an email if you want to talk more about attributes.

  • I need to talk to Scott W. and let him know. My profile has the correct email address but it has been doing this lately. I'll drop you an email but just in case, my email is

    -Mathew Nolton

  • "So many people are equating attributes with aspects and interception with AOP. There is so much more to aspects and AOP then this and its confusing much of the market out there."

    I think I'm partly to blame for that. I always say attributes/interception are ONE way of implementing AOP - but have never stressed that there are others. Primarily because I'm always speaking in the context of using and applying custom attributes.

  • tom,

    its a pet peeve of mine. the attribute/interception model is really a pretty weak implementation of AOP and if your presentation is anything like the msdn article by sells/dharma and fells it probably doesn't address pointcut composition at all...which is really where the power and flexibility of aop shame on you ;)

    -mathew nolton

  • <Hanging Head>Yes Dear</Hanging Head>

    I'm not familiar with the sells/dharma article - but I'm guessing my impl and theirs is similar. I focus on eliminating join points with attributes and dynamic interception.

    I can understand your frustration. Its a little like demonstrating OOP with just an encapsulation example.

    However, my real intent with my presentation and my book is to get people excited about the possibility of custom attributes - and AOP is just a part of that. But I don't want to leave people with the wrong impression either, so in the future I'll add a disclaimer before diving into the AOP discussion.

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