Wiki vs Sharepoint

Just curious to find out how people might compare Sharepoint to Wiki, pros and cons, what scenarios are more suitable for each, and so on....or even if you think they are like comparing apples to oranges.



  • It is like comparing apples and oranges. SharePoint is a strong intranet solution and provides many more features than a wiki would. This includes rich workflow, document management facilities, personal "my sites", customisable layout etc.

    Having said all this, MOSS (effectively SharePoint 2007) allows the provisioning of Wiki sites within it as well as making major steps forward in the areas I mentioned earlier.

    I guess more important to your question is what are you looking to do with your solution? What problems do you want to solve? That would dictate more which way you should go.

    - JD

  • As a SharePoint developer for a major governmental concern that projects force to break other country's toys, I have to say:

    You are not comparing similar tools. This is like comparing an apple to a rose. Sure, they are both plant product, but there the similarity ends.

    Likewise, they are used for completely different things. The closest thing you can say they share is the ability for users to contribute and control content.

    O.K., the above may be a bit of hyperbole, but, you can use Word to perform calculations, but wouldn't you rather use Excel?

  • Sharepoint now includes Wiki so what does it matter?

  • At OSCON I got a demo of a new "wiki" created by some ex-MS devs, they used to be on the Sharepoint team. The idea was to take the wiki concept, but iron out all the headaches of having to learn wiki markup. The end result is close to sharepoint. So I asked them, "Why am I using this instead of Sharepoint?". They had some good answers and are coming to my workplace to give another demo before we get too far into the Sharepoint rollout. A lot of the problems they were solving had to do with organizing content.

    Check them out at, DekiWiki.

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