Mike Diehl's WebLog
Much aBlog about nothing...
SQL Server Reporting Services - playing with the released bits
In feedback of my previous blog, Thomas asked:
Joel Spolsky needs a comment feed...
Reading Joel's blog entry “Please Sir, may I have a linker?” today, and it sparked a memory of a tool that the Joel I work for mentioned a while ago...
.NET Reality Check...
I agree with Frans Bouma that there is a significant amount of hype around Whidbey, Yukon, Longhorn, etc, and it isn't all that useful for what we do today.
SQL Server Reporting Services
SQL Server Reporting Services has been released, but the download is for a time-bombed 120 evaluation version.
Regional Directors
Now I know two Regional Directors : Joel Semeniuk (my boss), and Derek Hatchard - a good friend of mine, former co-worker at ImagiNET and now in New Brunswick.
Xen and the Art of Objects and Data
Erik Meijer from Microsoft Research is working on a new CLR language that incorporates C#, XML, and relational data.
SQL Server Reporting Services
I'm a long-time Access developer, and when I saw SQL Server Reporting Services, I was quite interested.
IE cache settings - not applicable!
Further to my earlier post where I thought that weird postback behaviour was due to some client side cache setting, I think I have the issue nailed down.
ASP.NET and SQLClient Connection pooling
I should know this I suppose....
Sales/Marketing/Technical Rant