
At the company Christmas Party a couple of weeks ago, the employees received an iPod (30GB) as a present. A great feature of these particular set of iPods was that our names were engraved on the back, otherwise I would have had a fight on my hands with my wife and my oldest daughter (who is turning into a big-time geek) over this new toy.

Anyway, I have been downloading PodCasts and listening to them on my commute, which is about 30-40 minutes each way. What a great way to spend that time.

The programs I have been listening to are DotNetRocks! and SqlDownUnder. I also found today an ASP.NET podcast, which I might catch up on. Maybe Joel and I will think of enough things to start a podcast of our own.

These programs are entertaining (especially DNR!) and very informative - I especially enjoyed the SqlDownUnder episode with Itzak Ben-Gan. What a brain that guy has, and his puzzle solutions are often so elegant. Great food for the brain.



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