Hire me!
After 5 years at my current employer, I am ready for a change.
I'm currently a senior/lead developer across multiple vertical development teams with a focus on application architecture surrounding ERP system integration. I have recent history developing with C#/ASP.NET/BizTalk/Sql Reporting and am looking for an opportunity to stretch a bit. My current job has become too much administration and maintenance and will offer few opportunities to utilize my development skills over the next 2-3 years, so I am looking to get back into the trenches of new software development. My preference is to find a solid ISV or consulting firm with a .NET development focus and opportunity to work with new technology (.NET v2.0, ASP.NET, WWF, WCF, WPF, etc)
If anyone is hiring in the Dallas/Fort Worth (Texas) area, I would be interested in talking to you - relocating is possible if the opportunity and/or money is right. If you have an interesting opportunity available, please use the "Contact" link on the left-hand side of my blog to leave me a note. I'll post my resume' soon, but I figured it might be useful to do a preemtive blog-post to get things started.