.NET Game Development Articles, Examples, Resources, etc.
This is a list of links to articles, websites, and other information useful for learning Game Development.
Starting Points & Reference:
- For Beginners [ GameDev ]
- GameDev.Net - An online community for game developers of all levels.
Newsgroups & Forums:
Game Engines & Libraries:
- Axiom Engine project - 3D Game engine using DirectX & OpenGL(Tao) written in C#!
- Purple# - 3D Game engine for .NET concentrating on flexibility, simpleness, performance and quality by using the newest technology.
- GapiDraw - (official blurb)“GapiDraw is the fastest, most advanced, and easiest to use cross-platform game library for Palm, Symbian, and Windows Mobile devices!“ Note: This is a semi-commercial library. See website for licensing details.
- Gaming with the .NET Compact Framework (via GapiDraw)