Provider Model vs. Proxy Pattern

Rob introduced us recently to the provider model being implemented in V2; the similaraties of this description really reminded of the proxy design pattern.

Obviusly the implementation includes some special code to deal with configuration files, but other than that - is the “Provider Model” just a new name on the proxy pattern...?


  • I wouldn't call it a Proxy. The proxy pattern implies that the object delegates all or some of its methods to another object (that is probably remote.) This assumes that the plugin (to steal from the above post :) provides a full implementation without delegating.

    If anything, this would likely be a good example of the Bridge pattern combined with Factory.

    I don't see why this couldn't be extended a little further to allow Decorators, Composites, and Proxies into the mix though :)

  • Its an Abstract Factory Pattern.

  • Feels more like a Strategy Pattern. Under the hood the ConcreteStrategy (Provider) is selected (via configuration) and then well known API (via Interface/Abstract Class) is called.

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