Giving the user what they want!

Scott pointed out the the fact that you can force file names in a download using content-disposition. This is probably the easiest way but the solution listed below will allow you to call to files that do not exists; ie KentuckyThirdDistrict.xls?querystringcrap and the file will download as KentuckyThirdDistrict. Oh well, I did it the hard way :)

Sometimes a little feature can give quite a bit of effort to your site in style points. Take for instance data grids and excel documents. This is a common thing now, to take a data grid and give it to the user as an excel document. Some people are even trying to sell products doing this but by and large it is simple enough that most people will just roll their own.

It is quite simple…

Create instances of a DataGrid, StringWrtier and HtmlWriter
Set the response content type to "application/"
Render the grid to the HtmlTextWriter
Reponse.Write the StringWriter data to the client.

This is all well and good except for the fact that of your user chooses to save to disk, they have an ASPX file. For the purposes of this lesson we will go ahead and assume the obvious and state that all users are stupid and will not pay attention to the file extension wonder why their excel document will not open in excel when they double click it!

HttpHandlers to the rescue!

After one to many stupid users double clicking the aspx file with great confusion I conjoured up the idea of using an HttpHander to give the file the proper extension when the user saved it to disk.

It is also quite simple…

Create a class that implements System.Web.IHttpHandler
Code up the ProcessRequest method with your data grid rendering code (see above)
Create entries in your web.config and IIS metabase to support your new handler for .xls files

The really cool part about this scenario is that you can code the call just like a call to an aspx file, using querystring parameters and all!

Here is an example…

public void ProcessRequest(System.Web.HttpContext context)
 DataGrid Grid =
 StringWriter oStringWriter =
 HtmlTextWriter oHtmlTextWriter =

 context.Response.Buffer =
 context.Response.ContentType = "application/";
 context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default;

 //Little diddy I do to get a data table instance
 Grid.DataSource = EmployerData.Get(context);


So once again boys and girls, give your users what they want! If they want excel; go the extra mile and give it to em!

1 Comment

  • hehe, actually the only difference between our approaches is that mine pops up the "Download File" dialog box in the browser where yours streams the content directly to the browser window using the appropriate MIME type. Mine can be used for dynamically created content as well. Both ways are valid in a given situation and neither way is really harder.

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