Code Camp - Kentucky

Registration is now up and available for the Kentucky MSDN Code Camp.

Click Here to Register

Dates of camp:
February 18th, February 19th – Louisville – Sullivan University
February 25th, February 26th – Lexington – Sullivan University

The MSDN Code Camp is a community driven initiative to increase the overall awareness of Microsoft development technologies and the technical skills of Microsoft Platform developers.  Code Camps provide an opportunity for developers to come together and learn from their peers.  All of the presenters are developers with expertise they’re willing to share with other developers.  All of the content will be available to campers online, including not only Powerpoint presentations but also any demos or code samples used or discussed in a session.  Code Camp sponsors will help drive attendance, serve as an advisory council and provide resources in order to provide this free forum for the community.

The Code Camp is a one day event with up to 14 individual presentations to be held in 4 rooms with 4 time slots.  We will hold two sessions in each city – on a Friday and Saturday – in order to allow us to reach corporate developers, ISV’s, consultants and independent developers.   After a brief keynote, campers will break out into 2 morning sessions and 2 afternoon sessions.  We’ll have a final wrap-up session to collect evaluations and give away some cool prizes.  Lunch will be free (provided by Sullivan University).


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