Gu b gone, The community mourns

disAssociated Press - Friday May 21, 2004

With over 150 days since he has entered anything into his blog, industry watchers and tech luminaries have resigned to face the fact that Scott Guthrie has disappeared permanently.

“The last time I heard from him he was real excited about the new release of ASP.NET; then he just disappeared…” an unidentified programmer sobbed as he spoke with us.

Authorities in the taller part of building 42 on the Microsoft campus refused to comment citing privacy concerns but our sources told us that internal investigators do not believe that foul-play is to blame for his disappearance.

Other members of the blogging community have chalked it up to deadline stress, citing previous gaps in RSS tickling habits of Mr. Guthrie among others, most notably at times shortly before major events or software releases. While this may be the case, we are just days away from this syndication sabbatical reaching 6 months; someone needs to answer up soon.

“Scott, if you are out there just post something, let us know your OK, we miss your insight!” said an unidentified female wearing all pink and rambling about data grids.

Whether or not Scott Guthrie is still around will be a question for some time to come, at least until he speaks up. Until then we will keep hoping and praying for the delivery of Whidbey bits…and the safe return of a fearless leader.


1 Comment

  • Haha -- never fear. I will return -- just been very busy with work the last few months.

    I'll see if I can post another blog entry this weekend. ;-)



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