"Path is too long...” error using Azure Development Fabric
I was recently telling a colleague about running into the following error while debugging locally my Azure cloud app: “The path is too long after being fully qualified.” So I figure I’d share my findings.
First of all, there’s most likely nothing wrong with your code. But the Development Fabric does need some help from you. The culprit behind the error may be a number of things, however let’s assume the error message provided is accurate and the path to the temporary files of the Development Fabric folder is too long, you can either: (A) shorten your project and file names or (B) set an environment variable to point to a much shorter temporary directory for the Development Fabric. I’d suggest B, because I prefer to do things quick and easy.
To do this, you must set an environment variable called _CSRUN_STATE_DIRECTORY. Try to keep its value short (as that’s the purpose of this exercise), like C:\A or C:\TDF.
The following resources deserve the credit for helping me resolve this issue: