Free and easy way to resize an NTFS partition

I recently had the need to resize the virtual disk on the VMWare image. VMWare includes a handy tool for resizing a virtual disk, but of course that doesn't resize the partition on the disk. Partition Magic has long been the tool of choice for this kind of thing, but this time I decided to see if there was anything else "out there". Turns out there is - a utility called Ntfsresize.

Ntfsresize is actually a Linux command-line utility which is included, along with a fairly easy to use GUI called QTPartEd, on a variety of Linux distributions.  In particular, it's included on the Knoppix LiveCD (at the moment not the absolute latest version of Ntfsresize, but near enough), which means you can boot straight from a CD and resize your partitions without having to install any software at all. The GUI was easy enough that even a Linux novice like me could figure it out. VERY handy, and it worked great on my VM image.  Recommended.


  • I tried this method and it works great. I got a new computer from dell for a really good deal (practically a steal) but it came with vista and yet no cd. I still need vista (to play bf 2142 and the like) but i wanted linux for everything else. This worked great. Thanx man!

  • It just worked like a champ. Not a hitch. Thanks!

  • ntfsresize worked great for me! Thanks for the tip.

  • This solution is the business!

    I booted the Knoppix 6.2 CD to a VM on ESX server and used GParted for resizing. Took seconds and worked perfectly. Watch out Acronis!

  • Yeah I tried to use Acronis Backup and Recovery .iso and run Disk Director but no luck. It said the original disk is at it's maximum size. QTPartED worked and resized the disk like a charm, but when I booted into the virtual machine, Windows Disk Manager says that the new size of my C drive is larger, but going into Properties of the Local Disk, gives me the original size before the resize. Not sure who to believe in windows, Disk Manager or C: properties...

  • In my opinion, the easiest way to resize partition is use the Partition Manger, it can carry out the operation flawlessly. And as I know, the Partition Manger is free for use.
    Such good 3rd software is my forever choice.
    More information can be got from my website.

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