My Tablet Rocks..."M-O-O-N" - that spell's rocks!!!

I've tried for years to go digital - PDA's from the Palm to CE just didn't do it for me.  The problem is that they weren't input devices (even though it was possible with extra keyboards and fairly good hand writing recognition)...but I just couldn't do it.  Had to force myself to use these devices - not natural at all to work on a 3 X 4 inch surface...that would be good for the detectives on Law and Order though...

But tablets - well, that's a different story.  Its all natural.  I want to use it (not because its cool) because its natural to use.  My 4 year old is already a master at using he should be since this thing will change the way he'll learn in the future.

I'm a bit dissapointed in Beta 2 of One Note as it applies to the tablet.  It "don't" work well.  Every stroke makes a different "area" in One Note - not good.  I hope the next release is better for the tablet.

I haven't opened my trusted note books in two weeks now.

Here's the issue though - I was begging for the Toshiba - but for some reason, the person who orders these things for me hates to get me what I want (its an ego thing I think) and got me the Compaq/HP - and got himself the Toshiba.  I like the Compaq's ability to seperate the tablet from the keyboard as well as the glass screen.  A bit more durable I think even though it has a smaller screen. 

And, of course, I have .NET installed on it ;-)

Anyone create any Tablet specific apps yet?  Where's a good place to start.


  • > I like the Compaq's ability to seperate

    > the tablet from the keyboard as well as

    > the glass screen.


    I've wondered how this actualy works. Is there a wireless link between keyboard and screen? Can you plug the bit with the keyboard into a projector and scribble on the screen from the back of the room? Having the keyboard plugged in and with ethernet access also makes sense. Is this wishful thinking?

    Thanks, Jamie.

  • Start with the tablet pc sdk.

    Also, check out


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