Got the time?

... and where would one find that time....

I was just told how monitoring blogs can provide insigtful information or access to breaking news (such as VS.NET being available on MSDN today for example)....

Um...where would one find the time to do this exactly...I don't even have time to read all of my email (sorry Mom <blush>).  Hell, I don't even know how I found the time to write this....

...if anyone reading this has any secrets of how to squeeze yet another activity into a busy day.   Let me know.....I'm all ears.


Does anyone feel the same way?  Am I missing some sort of blog subscription service or something... Please let me know.



  • Joel!! Go get the sharpreader aggregator that everyone is blogging about. Then you subscribe to the rss feeds from the weblogs you are interested in (like mine, right&lt;G&gt;) and they come to you. It's like using outlook. Except they all go into their own little folders.

    How's your group going? We had 48 people at our meeting on monday. Can you believe that? This is Burlington not Boston! &lt;g&gt;

  • Four words: Laptop In The Bathroom. ;-)

  • Or try Newsgator ($) which integrates an rss reader/poster with Outlook

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