Book Review: C# In Depth
Hi all.
I would like to share some thoughts about this book from Manning.
About the Book
To start, the book is divided into three parts. Part 1 will provide a foundation regarding some history of C# and a few elements from C#1. Part 2 is about C#2 and how it solves some problems faced in the previous version. Part 3 is devoted to the new features in C#3.
I enjoyed reading the whole book, it is well written, the samples are easy to understand. I actually found very easy to engage into the whole lambda expressions topic and really liked the chapter about lambda expressions (chapter 9). Also chapter 10 about LINQ turned out to be very helpful explaining the various topics of it, the joins, the queries, everything was exceptionally well explained.
One thing I wanted to mentioned is that if you buy the printed copy, Manning will give you for free the ebook.
Bottom line. GetTheBook => Learn.C#
Thanks and see you later.