Google Street View Maps - Not at all new, still great fun.
My friend wrote me last week to tell me about the astounding new feature Google Maps had added - Street View!
Very cool feature. It was also a very cool feature when released the same feature in a Technology Preview last year.
Then again, it was a pretty exciting feature when Amazon A9 pioneered street level maps in 2005 (they've since pulled the service).

For some reason, it didn't make a splash back in 2001 / 2002 when QDQ actually, really, no kidding, seems to have created street level maps.
It looks like they've since become Mappy.
I'm not saying that Google hasn't done something important by adding this feature to a widely used mapping system, just that it's not at all new.
Still my friend says, it's "somehow cooler for some reason". Maybe it's just that it's cooooooler.