AppSettings - External Config File
We've been using this for several months to distinguish between Dev / QA / Prod settings - it's worked very well. This makes it easy to keep config files in source control - there's one folder (config) with dev.config, qa.config, production.config, and any others as needed. The folder is maintained in source control so it's versioned, labeled, etc. Web.config is different from server to server (refers to a different config file depending on environment), but doesn't contain any settings.
Keeping Required Field Validators quiet when using a Summary
If you've got RFV's in a datagrid (or on other special occasions) you may want their error messages to only show up on the Validator Summary. If you don't have any text set for a validator, it displays the entire error message.
IUI / Web Clients vs. "Rich Clients"
If you haven't read about Microsoft's Inductive User Interface (IUI) initiative, check this out.
[ot] Galloway.Items.Add(new Galloway("Esther"));
Baby and mother doing great.
Automated error handling in .NET
VB/Rig was a popular add on to Visual Basic which automated the insertion of error handling into VB code. I've worked with other add-ins for VB that did similar things, but haven't seen anything similar for .NET - c# specifically. I realize this wrapping code in Try / Catch / Finally blocks is more complex than just throwing an error handler at the end of every sub and function, but with the amount of free addins and macros people have been cranking out I'd bet one exists...
Mount Fuji Book Report
I recently finished How Would You Move Mount Fuji? - a book about the puzzle interviews ("Why are manhole covers round?") that Microsoft has made famous. I very much enjoyed it. If you're one of the folks that hasn't read it, this short book report is for you:
Cross Browser DHTML libraries
I've used DynAPI in the past:
Fix for: 'Server Application Unavailable' Error after Applying Security Update for IE
Some of my co-workers have been hit by this - Windows Critical Updates cause ASP.NET to return a “Server Application Unavailable“ error on every request. Affects on only .NET 1.0 framework on XP.