Must read .NET dev blog - Ayende

I stumbled across Ayende's site in February looking for an NHibernate UI. His NHibernate Query Analyzer's pretty nice - check out the Flash demo. I was blown away by Ayende's blog, though, and it's been one of my favorites since then.
Ayende1 wrote back in April about Blog Driven Development: Code a little -> Test a little -> Blog a lot. And when he says a lot, he means it - he averages more than 75 posts a month, and it's all really solid technical content. He's a one man coding army. Lately he's had some great SQL stuff, OR/M and NHibernate, TDD, and tons of great C# code.
I've noticed that Ayende's been showing up in Jason Haley's Interesting Finds lately and K. Scott Allen (OdeToCode) has been having fun with his SQL challenges, so word's getting out. Beat the rush and subscribe now!
1 Ayende's real name is apparently Oren. Not sure what the deal is there.