SQLite - ALMOST a great embedded database solution for .NET applications
A comment on my post
about the SQL/e announcement said it sounds a lot
like SQLite. The subject warrents a
separate post. SQLite is a great embedded database. It's free, open source,
small, fast, ACID
compliant, and frequently updated.
SQLite is an ideal embedded database provided you don't care about concurrency. That's because any write operation locks the entire database . Even Microsoft Access beats that; it's had record level locking for a while.
That's not a complete show stopper, even for multi-threaded applications, if your data provider handles SQLITE_BUSY errors correctly. By "handling the error", I mean repeatedly trying the database operation until it succeeds or the connection or command timeout is reached, which is kind of sad but works. I submitted a bug report for the ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite project almost a year ago about this exact issue; the fix was made quickly, but the result hasn't helped anyone since this project hasn't produced a new release since August 2005. Unless you want to mess with building from the SourceForge CVS repository, you're out of luck under .NET 1.1.
However, there's a new project for a .NET 2.0 data provider for SQLite which appears to handle database locks correctly. So that's good.
Still, before SQLite can compete with Firebird or SQL/e, it needs to clean up its act when it comes to multi-threading. That means moving beyond just publishing best practices on how to work around the quirks of a database engine which has two lock states (locked / not locked) to table, page, and row level locks. I think Shailesh has a pretty good suggestion for adding a real locking strategy to SQLite. Might be a good idea if they integrate this before Mozilla integrates SQLite as their new Unified Storage system.
And a general recommendation for using any embedded database engine - use an abstration layer. I learned this the hard way; an OR/M like NHibernate would have saved me a lot of time and frustration.