IE Toolbar that's kind of like the Firefox Web Developer Extension

If you're a diehard Internet Explorer user, you might not know how great the Firefox Web Developer Extension is. This IE Toolbar isn't as good, but it's still pretty cool. 

Web Accessibility Toolbar - Wow this is cool. Page validation, browser resizing, CSS validation & manipulation, image  lists, color manipulation, page structure, and more tools. Looks like a must for anyone doing web development.

Source: Geek Notes 2005-08-11

1 Comment

  • Very nice. I hope by the time IE7 comes out there will be an unbeatable toolbar that can be added since I plan to use that instead of FF as my main browser. Until then I use IE6 and 5.5 just for development purposes.

    You know I have had EditCSS in FF for a while. I never knew there was a better extention until just now. And of course I feel foolish because I have been a part of at least 1 conversion in which this tool was mentioned but I thought they meant just the CSS tool.

    Thanks a lot for this post!!

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