Jason Nadal
Restless C#ding
Virtual Server, HD Size, & BartPE
After copying an old Virtual Server clean image to use as the basis of a new Team Foundation Server CTP image, I discovered the virtual hard drive set up was way too small for the first prerequisite: SQL Server 2005. That's when I discovered the ugly little "secret" of dynamically expanding hard disks. They are only expandable up to the initially specified size (in my case, it was only 5gb). Since I put a new 400gb drive in the box, I had the room & wanted to increase it to 30gb for that virtual machine.
Lots to say, but I'll be spreading it out.
I'm going to try to force myself to write at least a little blurb daily, but we'll see just how long that lasts.
Is Network Solutions Down?
Network solutions, and their DNS entries seem to be down. Can anyone verify this? What do most people do in this situation?
WinFX & Speech Confusion
Just discovered Robert Brown's blog. He writes in this post about how to open prerecorded audio files for recognition, complete with vb sample code for the WinFX B1rc ... however, instantiating the SpeechRecognizer (should be easy) fails with (a COMException):
Practical Translation... welcome international readers
I just finished stage 1 of a project that's long been overdue on my other site: jnadal.com --
Web Service Overloads?
I just discovered overloads for webmethods cannot have the same name. Don't other platforms have the concept of differing method signatures with the same name?
Translation Bug Solved
After way too much time away, I have finally gotten around to refactoring my free translation web service, after a move to a new host (more on that later).
3) Successful Team Project -- FINALLY!
Well, after more tries than I can count, I have finally successfully created a Visual Studio Team Project.
2) My First Team Project -- Failed
Tried to create a Team Project in Team Suite, but got an error message: "No user identity info returned from GSS"
1) VS Team Foundation Install
Here's the first of what I hope to be many posts on Visual Studio 2005 Team System / Team Foundation Server.