3) Successful Team Project -- FINALLY!

Well, after more tries than I can count, I have finally successfully created a Visual Studio Team Project.

I had installed on one virtual pc serving as the server and domain controller Team Foundation Server, and a second virtual pc serving as the Client Team Suite, as well as a member pc on the domain of the other virtual machine.

What I didn't realize was:
 * Promote the server to domain controller BEFORE anything else.
 * Install sharepoint services 2 AFTER installing SQL 2005 April CTP.
 * Don't forget that a FQDN will look out on the net for your domain controller before it scans the local net.

  This one was rough -- my domain pc was called merlin2003.devnet.jnadal.com and my static ip on a virutal-lan called "Devnet" was  However it was always resolving to the name of my real host: jnadal.com since that was the domain of the FQDN for my Domain Controller.

  To fix this, you can add an entry to the hosts file, but only if the current user (I was a domain user), was an administrator on the MACHINE (not just the domain) which was pinging merlin2003 (the DC). Once you log on as a machine admin, you can add the hosts entry, and then Team Suite can create a project.

My main gripe with team system, and the one that's costed me the most time so far is that even if you add a Team Foundation Server by ip address within Visual Studio, it will still ping out to the web services for project creation / report creation (Rosetta) / Source Control Creation (Currituck?) etc. by machine name, rather than ip.


Possible Solutions (These links helped me after some googling):


  • When I am istalling TeamFoundationServer i am facing problems like
    1)DomineController is not suporte to install

  • I am facing prblems when i am installing TFS
    1)Domain Controlle is not supporting to instal TeamFoundationServer

    I am folowing a Walkthrough, given by Microsoft in that
    when we are installing ServicePack 1 for SQL Server 2005 then we should stop all the sevices of SQL.
    If we stop the services then ServicePack1 is not instalig.

    Please give me solutions
    I am eagarly trying to install TeamFoundationServer

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