Jason Nadal
Restless C#ding
Scoble & Tivo
Since Scoble's comments seem to be down for now, here's my response to “Why hasn't Tivo taken off“, which was actually an extension of Mark Canter's post -
ImageStack for Longhorn
Well, after a bit of time refactoring and ironing out some functionality issues, ImageStack for Longhorn Version A is on my downloads page (the file contains source code and binaries). This is an image browser that can be scrolled through with the mouse wheel, and zoomed with a mouse click. Change folders with the “Get Image Stack“ button.
Longhorn Animations and Timelines Part I
After a suggestion from DonXML, I left the world of manually starting up LengthAnimations bound to width and height properties of a Canvas control I had implemented via code, and took up the task of learning the Timeline object.
Longhorn Dev Experiences
Today's simple Longhorn dev trick?
Longhorn (and XP, 2000, etc) Speed Burst
Well, while configuring my PC to try to get some speed benefits whenever possible I came across this cool little util from Intel, sitting on that disk of stuff that came with my PC (and got ignored after I repaved it), called Intel Application Accelerator.
ASP.NET Web security
Coming live from DevDays in Newark (really Secaucus), NJ:
Ex-Intel Architect Discussion
An anonymous reader posted this link. It's an hour-and-a-half discussion about the pentium / x86 chipsets by Architect Bob Colwell, of Intel fame given at Stanford. This is a very interesting movie, and a fun flick for anyone interested in the lower levels of PC architecture.
Strange No-Boot, Simulated Disk Failure
I've recently been having problems with my home desktop pc (the one I use for Longhorn development), sometimes getting a “windows can't read from the boot disk; perhaps you need a new one?” type message whenever I try to get into longhorn or xp pro (after I make the selection on the boot menu).
Copying DVDs to PocketPC
I figured I'd watch some movies / tv shows I had on upcoming plane rides, or just while I'm waiting (rehearsals Tuesday nights, and I'm the type of person who's perpetually early). So, I decided to learn how to encode movies onto my PPC. (This is used to play on the PocketTV free player:
DC License Plates
I'm not sure if anyone subscribes to my individual feed, and I don't usually write posts on politics (I can hear the sound of browser back buttons right now!), but I saw a license plate on the way home that really made me confused.