Spoiler (Perhaps) - Silverlight to run on Symbian phones!

Microsoft is working with Nokia to get Silverlight running on Symbian mobile phones. Would this help influence your decision to use Silverlight for UI over other technologies. It seems like the build up to mix is starting to happen with more and more news coming out as we get closer to the event.

Personally I think we need Silverlight to run on mobile phone browsers as well as the desktop as it is becoming more and more common place to see people browsing the web via their phone. With speeds picking up, phones becoming more powerful and tariffs becoming more acceptable (e.g. here in the UK T-Mobile has helped encourage uptake via it's Web-N-Walk tariff for unlimited* browsing).

* I think it is limited to 1 GB and has a fair usage policy.

If Microsoft are looking to release SL 2 for Symbian then this is indeed great news as it means mobile consumer apps are more of a possibility (if you are restricted to only windows mobile then it wouldn't make sense as they do not have enough market share for a consumer app). If they throw in support for the iPhone as well then we really do have a large segment of the market covered.

I wanted to develop Silverlight apps anyway but this just gives me an additional reason.
Here is the link to the story: http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=1218


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