John Mandia's Points of Interest
Learning is a never-ending adventure :D
Mono 0.28 released & Xen is released.
Hi all,
OpenOffice 1.1 Final Released
Hi all,
eXist opensource Xml DB & IKVM
Hi all,
Rainbow Update - V1.2.8.1738 Released.
The latest version of Rainbow has been released on sourceforge:
Rainbow History
The Rainbow project is an open source initiative to build a comprehensive content management system using Microsoft's ASP.NET and C# technology. A VB version is also available.
OpenOffice gets .NET support
I was just reading Miguel's blog and found the following link:
Free XML Editor
Free .Net Charting Component
Hi all,
Regarding my previous post and formatting.
Hi all,
My views about the Rainbow project (Could also be applied to DNN)
Hi all, It's been a long while since my initial blog....sorry and a lot has happened (went on holiday and I've been busy at work which is why I haven't had a chance to blog).