Rainbow Update - V1.2.8.1738 Released.
The latest version of Rainbow has been released on sourceforge:
What's New since
- More modules now reside within their own folder
- Lots of bug fixes
- Upgraded Free TextBox to and Free TextBox is now the default html editor
- Rainbow now uses the Rewrite.Net Engine as the Url Handler which allows you to build custom rules on how to handle urls (Url builder has also been improved). This improves performance and search engine friendliness. Legacy urls are still supported via a legacy rule so that search engine results are not broken ;-)
- TabStripDetails has been improved and the slow part of the code has been removed ( A 20x performance improvement has been reported).
- KickStarter support has been added www.kickstarter.net and rainbow contributors have received a free license (Thanks Mike!)
- Cory Isakson, added WebCompile Feature so all aspx pages are compiled after the first aspx page has been hit (Thanks to Paul Wilson's article on asp alliance).
- Fully localized Site Settings and Module Settings by James.
- Removal of Legacy Files
- A Windows Script Setup file has been added: Setup\Scripts\setup.wsf making setup an easier process.
Other News:
- More and more people have been contributing to Rainbow, not only code but also documentation (Thanks to everyone who has contributed):
New Documentation: Webmasters Handbook by Tilli
New eCommerce 'Product Module' user guide by Thiery
Other documents have also been updated: http://rainbow.duemetri.net/Rainbow/go/rainbow/3405/en-US/DesktopDefault.aspx - The Rainbowportal.net website has been updated and is now running version
- A Module Gallery Module is currently being worked on to allow people to find out more and download modules (currently in beta).
- A Themes and Skins Section has been added to the rainbow website to allow people to share/showcase their work.
- Jakob has created a Beta Version of MDF (Module Data Filter) (Not in latest rainbow release as it is beta):
"I did this code/helper because I got tired of not being able to display data from one module in another module. So I created a general solution: MDF. Getting a module to use MDF is done in 30 minutes.
To get code: See Download tab at http://www.rainbowportal.net
Use MDF with modules that displays list of items, e.g. Links, Announcements, FAQs,
Tasks, Contacts, Document, Events and Pictures. MDF controls the items being listed with these settings:
DataSource: "This", "All" or "List"
Max Hits Represents the number of items returned by MDF
Module List: List of module ID's. e.g.: 20242,10243.
All Not In List: If DataSource is "All" this can exclude modules
Sort Field: A list of all fields from the core item table
Sort Direction: ASC/DESC
Search string: typically a word like "fish"
Search field: All fields or a specified field from the core item table" - Cory has kept up contact with Shaun from DNN to see where each solution can complement each other. Jeremy White (From DNN) is working on a Rewrite.Net Rule for DNN and has been working on a Url builder for DNN (Hopefully from here more components can be built together to avoid re-inventing the wheel and benefiting from each team's experiences).
- PDC - Birds of a Feather : Rainbow/DNN/IBuySpy has been approved as a topic http://www.ineta.org/bof/Default.aspx
- Mark has done even more improvements to the rainbow portal site and Graz will soon be producing a regular rainbow newsletter.
A complete history of the changes made to rainbow so far can be found here: