Been a while

Well it's been a while since my last blog post so I would like to thank Rob and Alex for helping me get back into my account!

Well 2005 is nearly over (man did it go fast) and it's been a hectic one at that (The highlight of which was getting married to my girlfriend Maria).

.Net 2 is now out and I've only just started looking at it properly (Yes shame on me :D). There's a lot of things I like so far and a few things I don't (And personally I can't wait for Resharper 2 to be released) but I'm currently working through professional 2 to get me up to speed (good book although I'm not 100% sure it's based on the RTM version as the section on the wizard control refers to a property that has been renamed).

Have installed FF 1.5 with the extension and I'm quite enjoying the ability to have a central place for all my favourites (Recently set up a NAS device so this helps complete the picture with regards to accessing all my things easily regardless of which pc/laptop I'm using).

Anyway with the wedding planning behind me and the bills paid :D I'm hoping to blog a bit more about interesting things as I come across


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