Future Gmail Account For Anyone That Can Answer My Google Query
Hi all,
I recently got myself a google gmail account (great interface) so down the road I will get some invites. Now if someone can show me how to do the following I promise to give whoever shows me a working method first a Gmail account when I have some invites.
I want to do the following :
Via google you can search a site by entering the following into a search box:
microsoft site:www.asp.net
Now I want to be able to do a search that covers multiple sites e.g. www.asp.net www.gotdotnet.com etc (I know google has a specific Microsoft search but this is just an example :D ).
I've looked at google hacks from O'Reilly etc and there was a suggestion that the following should work:
microsoft (site:www.asp.net | site:www.gotdotnet.com | site:www.codeproject.com)
Or even
microsoft (site:www.asp.net OR site:www.gotdotnet.com OR site:www.codeproject.com)
But it didn't work :(
This would save me time when I want to search a few specific sites for a query.
If you know how to enter the query so that it allows you to scan multiple indexed sites at the same time via the search box then I would be very greatful (I'm sure others would find it useful as well). And if it isn't possible.....Google......if you're reading this.....please make it possible as it is very useful :D