Jerry Dennany's Occasional Clue
C# User Group - April 4, 2005
I went to last night's C# user group. Although I've been to a few DNUGs, I had not been to the C# group before. I was not disappointed.
Sysinternals Procexp.exe adds .NET support.
I've always been a fan of the tools from Sysinternals. Now, I've got even more reason to be happy (besides the fact that the tools are free!) The latest version of Procexp.exe now enumerates appdomains in a process.
Atlanta DNUG - March 28, 2005
I attended the local Atlanta .NET users group meeting last night.
SQL Server 2005 will be 'slipstreamable'
So, while looking for information on the upcoming SQL Server 2000 SP4 release, I noticed that SQL Server 2005 is 'slipstreamable'. I'm pretty certain that most of the developers here don't really care, but I am also responsible for the build / release cycle on my dev team. Slipstreaming almost crosses over into the 'must have' category.
WSE and Me.
Atlanta .NET Regular Guys Lunch chat with Paul Wilson
The Atlanta .NET Regular Guys (namesake of the ex-Atlanta Radio show duet) post about their lunch with Paul Wilson. Anyone in Atlanta should take Paul up on his lunch offer. He's a really fascinating person to talk tech with.
WS-SecureConversation - A Per User Story
As I mentioned a few posts ago, I’ve been spending some time with WSE 2.0. One of the cool things in the new WS-* specs is WS-SecureConversation. SecureConversation maintains the ability to enforce authentication and authorization at a per call basis, while lowering the runtime burden of actually performing a full authentication for each round trip call. I’m not going to go too far into details here, as there’s plenty of information on WS-SecureConversation available on the web.
Yang Cao (finally) starts his blog
I'm looking at WSE 2.0 SP2
I've recently been spending some quality time with WSE 2.0 SP2, and let me tell you, this wiz-bang framework provides a lot of bang for the buck. I've implemented a prototype communications layer for our application, replacing our custom TCP based RPC mechanism with a SOAP / WSE Framework. Lots of 'interesting' steps along the way. I'll expand on these later, but my initial impressions are:
Updating the Path environment variable from nAnt scripts, Redux...
A few weeks ago, I posted a mechanism for updating an environment variable from nAnt scripts. I had done my google-due-dilligence, and still had not found a way to accomplish this task, so I decided to share my quick and dirty solution here at the "Occasional Clue"...
Apparently, I wasn't the only one to notice this deficiency in nAnt, and the issue came up on the nAnt-Users mailing list. Ian McClean jumped to the rescue, providing a better solution than mine (There's no permalink, look for "Setting Environment Variables with NAnt").