SQL Server 2005 will be 'slipstreamable'

So, while looking for information on the upcoming SQL Server 2000 SP4 release, I noticed that SQL Server 2005 is 'slipstreamable'.  I'm pretty certain that most of the developers here don't really care, but I am also responsible for the build / release cycle on my dev team. Slipstreaming almost crosses over into the 'must have' category.

The SQL Server 2000 installation was a strange mixture of coolness, and archaic.  For example, while the Service Packs are cluster aware and very scriptable, they are launched from a SETUP.BAT file. How 1990s.
It's also worth noting that even for a Y2K software release, Microsoft was still using Installshield 5.x for SQL Server installs, and not the much ballyhood "Windows Installer" engine.

I'll be putting the SQL Server 2005 install through it's paces soon, checking out Cluster installations, as well as silent installs.  I'll keep you posted.


  • This is even better news for the MSDE version of SQL Server 2005!

  • Note, I said: "We are however looking into the feasability of offering service pack slipstream functionality in SQL Server 2005." This does not mean that SQL Server 2005 will be slipstreamable. It means we will look into making service packs of 2005 slipstreamable but have not made a final decision yet. Best is to send a mail to sqlwish at microsoft.com to voice your request.

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