Wecome to... who?

Well - This is my first blog post here, so one would suppose that the obligitory introduction is in order.  I'm a software configuration manager / release engineer for yet another large corporation.  I'm fortunate enough to work with a great team, including Paul Wilson, who is, by the way, available for work. If you'd like a great .NET architect in the Atlanta area, drop him a line!

I've been working with .NET for about a year and a half, and I really have to say that for the first time in a long time, I actually think that programming is fun again.

I've been reading this site with great interest the last several months - I only hope that I can help make this 'conversation' as interesting for others as you all have for me.


1 Comment

  • Welcome to asp.net weblogs Jerry!

    Jerry is actually one of the smartest "developers" I know period, .NET or otherwise, even though he claims to not be a developer. He has been one of the main guys on "my" team that answers my questions -- not the other way around! Remoting, garbage collection, MSIL (or CIL), COM+ configuration, network admin -- this guy is your .NET and overall Microsoft internals resource guy!

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