SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Performance Tip: Use SQL Server 2005

[Via Martin] Do you want to increase the performance of your SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Server farm up to 59%? Just switch from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005! More information and test details over here: SQL Server Performance Test Results.

The results were captured by measuring the average Requests Per Second (RPS) for each farm size and SQL Server version. The following table presents the performance impact of using SQL Server 2000 versus SQL Server 2005.

Farm size SQL Server 2000
average RPS
SQL Server 2005
average RPS
Small 75 97 +29%
Medium 131 198 +51%
Large 1015 1114 +10%
Extra-large 1638 1932 +18%
Extra-large, topics only 1148 1820 +59%
Extra-large, team sites only 1722 1610 –7%
Extra-large, home page only 1736 1750 +1%


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