Roll Up Web Parts in Office SharePoint Server 2007

The SharePoint team blog keeps posting cool stuff: Rolling up information in SharePoint Sites. There will be two web parts to roll up information:

  • SharePoint Sites (name may change in RTM), can be put on your personal site and rolls up all the documents created, modified, checked-out to you as well as tasks assigned to you in every site that you are a Member of.
  • Sites Rollup (name may change in RTM), A second web part called Sites Rollup (name may change for RTM) can be used on any SharePoint site (Team site, Document workspace, etc.).

The catch is that these web parts seem to be part of "Office SharePoint Server 2007", so they may be not available in WSS "v3".

As the usage of SharePoint increases, there is a profileration of SharePoint sites. This makes it harder and harder to keep track of where your documents are located and also to see a unified view of your "stuff". In Office SharePoint Server 2007, we are introducing a couple of new web parts that address this problem. (full post)


  • lemmie guess... the name of the shipping product may change in RTM too..

    Windows SharePoint Services Version 3 Release 2 for Office 2007/Office 12 Enterprise Portal SP1*

    *requires Vista Ultimate or Vista Enterprise

  • This will be interessting.

    My understanding from a session at the PDC was that cross-site access to lists is a design point for WSS V3. If that underrstanding was correct and is still accurate, the rollup web part is codable. We shall see.

    There is always CorasWorks, who have provided roll-up functionality in V2

  • Also Ometa has a very advanced Rollup Webpart. They have an online demo on

  • Jan,

    You have a great/informative site.

    QUESTION: Does Sharepoint Server 2007 have "email enabled lists"?

    I have been using CorasWorks email enabled lists and would like to know if SS 2007 has similar functionality inate to their lists/web parts.

    Thanks much,

    Rod or

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