Syndication Generator for Windows SharePoint Services

Note to self: take a look at this: a webpart (!) that generates a RSS feed for a SharePoint site. Thanks Maurice Prather!

The Syndication Generator for Windows® SharePoint® Services is a web part based RSS generator.  The web part is highly configurable and requires no access to the server once it has been installed.  This is the main advantage of the tool when compared to existing RSS feed generators.

Creating an RSS feed for your SharePoint server has never been easier.  Drag/drop the web part onto your page, pick the list you wish to syndicate, and ... tada! Your feed is up and runing in no time flat.


  • This is a great tool for the site.

    Does anyones knows a feedreader that understands NTLM? I've looked at SharpReader and FeedReader - both work fine on Basic auth, but not with NTLM.


  • >> Does anyones knows a feedreader that understands NTLM?

    It's a bit "round the houses", but I retrieve RSS feeds with a bit of perl code, and the perl LWP library can be extended to understand how to do NTLM authentication with the LWP::Authen::Ntlm module (that's how I grab RSS feeds off our intranet).

    So you can either write a bit of perl to grab the feed and hold it locally, or do the hacky thing of writing a page on your own webserver that, on demand, grabs the real feed and returns it - a sort of PerlScript ASP web proxy thing - not difficult if you've done any perl ASP pages before...

  • I must admit that I don't get it. I always thought that the initial installation was the killer- sysadmins are very picky about which assemblies are deployed on to production boxes. So the "requires no access to the server once it has been installed" is basically useless...

    Can anyone clue me in? I'm obviously missing something

  • The general problem with some of the existing RSS generation systems is the configuration story. A lot of them require adjustment of a custom configuration file which is stored on the file system (typically in the _vti_bin or _layouts folders). Therefore, if you want to add/modify a feed, local file system access is required.

    Since the Syndication Generator is a web part, you can modify your feed from a browser by simply opening the property toolpane (assuming you have the proper permissions). Thus, the need for file system access is completely eliminated once the web part has been installed.

  • I'm having problems getting the reader to work. When i install the part on my site, and go to 'modify shared web parts', i get about 25 lines of code before the properties display. Even if I fill in all the required information, it doesn't save.

    is there a particular setting that needs to be turned on or off in Sharepoint for it to work?

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