Advanced Customization of Themes for Sites Created with Windows SharePoint Services

If you're into SharePoint Customization, check out this article on the FrontPage 2003 Customization Kit site. Did you ever wonder which item on a SharePoint site maps with which CSS style? This site has for each type of SharePoint page (e.g. default home page, documents page, events page, ...) an image with tooltips that gives you this information!

“Now that you know that CSS is at the heart of FrontPage Themes, you will need a way to tell which element is affected by which style. For example, if you want to change the formatting of the Web site title that appears on each page (by default it says "Team Web Site") you will need a way to find out that the .ms-titlearea style changes the formatting of that line on each page.  The links below send you to pages that allow you to hover your mouse over a particular area and then see the styles used to create that section's formatting. For example, if you click the link below to the default home page and then hover your mouse over the "Team Web Site" heading, the tool tip will tell you that .ms-titlearea is the style that changes the formatting for this page title.  Similarly, if you click that heading, you will see the area affected when you change the .ms-titlearea style in the Theme.”

The article also has a section that explains how to change the CSS styles with FrontPage 2003. Thanks to Amanda you can even use a script on her blog that does this trick for your own sites.


  • SharePoint and FrontPage 2003 themes use CSS in ways which aren't human.

    It's so unbelievably bad that it's put me off SharePoint altogether.


  • and there was I thinking this was a new article ...

    I had it already! (It came out in November)

  • Sorry Mike! I just found this article and I thought it was intresting enough to post... :-/

  • It may not be new but if it saves someone else a few of the bruises I have on my head from trying to find that stuff - then I think it's worth it.

    The problem I am finding with breaking new ground and doing some custom dev with SPS/WSS is that it's not always easy to find those quick answers that you need.

    That's why blogs like Jan's are so great. Thanks Jan!

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