• Great news,
    it's really useful

  • Dear Hossam, please send a mail to Nader[dot]Ziada[@]itworx[dot]com ask him for a new download link.

    hope it helps,
    Hosam Kamel

  • @Cindy White
    please send a mail to Nader[dot]Ziada[@]itworx[dot]com with a details about your issue.

    hope it helps,

    Hosam Kamel

  • Al salamo 3alaikom wa ra7mato ALLAH

    am having problems installing on windows 7 x64
    i have office 2007 installed, cracked version.

  • Dear Mazen, please send a mail to Nader[dot]Ziada[@]itworx[dot]com ask him for a solution to this issue, but i doubt that they have a version for 64-bit OS

    hope it helps,

    Hosam Kamel

  • Hello Mazen,

    I had similar issues and with my Windows 7 x64/Outlook 2007 setup. I found that started the MSI file from a command-line running as administrator fixed it. Here are the detail:

    Installing PrayerTimes_2007.msi in Windows 7 x64 fails with an error stating Outlook XP or higher needs to be installed.

    1. Click Start and type cmd
    2. Right click on cmd and select 'Run as Adminstrator'
    3. Navigate to the folder where the setup file resides, e.g. if on the desktop: cd\Users\\Desktop
    4. Type: msiexec /i PrayerTimes_2007.dll
    5. Continue the installation as normal.

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