Scott Bellware TDD Workshop in Montreal

For those interested in test driven development, Scott Bellware will be doing a one day workshop in Montreal.  This event is organized by the Montreal Visual Studio User Group.  It's dead cheap for a full day of training ($50 including membership, $25 for those who are already members) + every participant will receive an MSPress book.

More info at

Conférencier: Scott Bellware, Microsoft MVP
Sujet: Test-Driven Development Workshop
9h00 à 16h30
Coût: $25
Conditions: Vous devez être membre du groupe afin de participer à cet atelier. Vous pourrez devenir membre sur place ($25/an). Les non membres devront donc débourser $50 soit $25 pour l'atelier et $25 pour devenir membre du groupe.
Nombre de places: 30 (Note: en date du 14 juillet, il ne reste que 16 places)
Inscription: envoyez un courriel à Groupe d'usagers Visual Studio Montré

Veuillez noter que cet atelier sera présenté en anglais. Scott étant natif de Montréal, parle un peu le français.

Test-Driven Development (TDD) goes beyond unit testing by transforming the act of writing tests into detailed software design. TDD serves as a bridge between high-level design and low-level design, or code design. Through test-driven development and design, programmers learn how to produce systems of objects that easier to understand and learn, more appropriate to the requirements at hand, and more resilient to change. Additionally, by introducing thorough testing early into the process, bugs are found and fixed quicker, reducing cost, increasing predictability and driving better software.

Austin-based Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Scott Bellware, will introduce the fundamentals of test-driven development practices and development methodology and show how integrate these principles into your projects today using NUnit and Visual Studio .NET.

The afternoon will have an interactive workshop where attendees can learn how to apply TDD’s principles in an interactive, hands-on workshop. Attendees are encouraged to bring laptops so that they can participate in the hands-on workshop. Attendees without laptops will still be able to follow along with the workshop. All Attendees will receive a CD with the sample code from the workshop and free testing tools.

Attendees who plan to bring laptops to the event may prepare their machines in advance by downloading and installing the following tools:

Test-Driven .NET

08:45 AM - 09:00 AM: Welcome and Registration
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Introduction to Test Driven Development (Scott Bellware)
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: New TDD features in Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Mario Cardinal, Etienne Tremblay)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM: Lunch (not provided)
01:15 PM - 04:30 PM: Test Driven Development Workshop (Scott Bellware)

I am a .NET software professional living and working in Central Texas. I work primarily with C# focusing on Web applications, object persistence, reuse, and software quality. I have given talks for regional .NET user groups on web templating, object-relational persistence, and test-driven development. I spoke on these subjects at DevTeach 2003 and 2004. I am a founding officer of the Austin .NET User Group and helped to establish the International Association of Software Architects. I acted as chairman of the INETA Speaker Committee between 2003 and 2005. I am presently working with APress on yet-to-be-announced book. Visit my website:

Chaque participant recevra le livre "OOP With Microsoft Visual Basic .Net and Microsoft Visual C# .Net Step by Step" de Microsoft Press. Une valeur* de $39.99.

*Gracieuseté de Microsoft. Sans aucun engagement du GUSVM.


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