Death March

Death March book cover
Ship it! A Practical Guide to Successful Software Projects
This winter I read book Death March by Edward Yourdon. Death March is about death march projects and how to survive them. There are also chapters describing decisions that you should never make when managing death march project. And there are great tips that help you avoid bad mistakes in death march projects. The book describes also developers life in such projects and gives them some good advises how to stay alive.


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  • Thanks for the kind words about "Death March." It has been six years since I published the 2nd edition of the book, and things have changed so much -- including good things like Web 2.0 collaboration tools, and bad things like the global recession -- that I'm thinking of updating it again for a new edition, with a title like "Death March Projects For Hard Times".

    Check my blog at from time to time for details...


  • Thank you for dropping me a line, Ed :)

    Although things have changed I thing they have not changed so much that we can say Death March book is expired. Regardless of technology and state of economy the projects are still managed like they have been managed this far and people are still making same mistakes as before.

    Global recession is special case I think and I can see people acting different too. "Death March Projects For Hard Times" seems very good idea to me. But please try to publish this book before hard times are over. :)

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