String.Format("My name is {0}", "Luciano Evaristo Guerche") (VB6)

A feature I loved in .NET (C# and VB.NET) is String.Format method. So I thought how I could have the same feature on VB6 and I came up with the following code.

Public Function StringDotFormat(ByVal strFormat As String, ByVal ParamArray aryPlaceHolders()) As String

Dim intPlaceHolderIndex As Integer

Dim strOutput As String


strOutput = strFormat


For intPlaceHolderIndex = LBound(aryPlaceHolders) To UBound(aryPlaceHolders)

strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "{" & intPlaceHolderIndex & "}", aryPlaceHolders(intPlaceHolderIndex))



StringDotFormat = strOutput

End Function


Then used it the following way

Call StringDotFormat("My name is {0}", "Luciano Evaristo Guerche")


What do you think about it? Drop me a comment and let me know your opinion.


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