• Don't you find it's interface rather cluttered?

    I tried to switch from RSSBandit to Omea over the weekend with little satisfaction. I was able to import my feeds list without any trouble but navigation through Omea was painful. Maybe it's because RSSBandit is focused on one thing - reading RSS feeds. Omea tries to collect information from a bunch of different places: Websites, RSS, newsgroups, etc... It makes for a a lot of clutter that I don't care about.

  • Kevin,

    For me, the best world would be having both Outlook and Outlook Express dealing with email, Neswgroup and RSS feeds. As I use Outlook at office and Outlook Express, if both dealt with these kind of content, that would be a marvelous world.

    I used RSSBandit some time ago, even helped translating its text resources to brazilian portuguese, but it become very unstable on my machines on the last releases and I gave it up.

    As for Omea Reader, instead of using "All resources" tab, I just select "Feeds" tab and that's my world in Omea. I imported my OPML file and it kept my file structure. Another thing I enjoyed so much is "Views and Categories", especially the "Recent (Today, Yesterday, This week, Last week, This moth and Last month)" option. With this myriad of options, I can read posts by feeds groups, feed and post's age among others.

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