Are blogs killing traditional ASP.NET sites?

While in my 'getting back into coding' frame of mind I've been surfing around looking at various sources of information - I've come to realise something that I missed before - there's a lot less 'high quality' information avaialble today that say 3 years ago.
Back in the days of classic ASP there were a bunch of excellent sites when you could reliably find awesome articles on all the latest toys and though it ain't so good! So sites like ASPToday, DotNetJunkies and 4GuysFromRolla just don't seem to publish that regularly anymore and what is there seems kind of 'old-fashioned', even 15Seconds (which was always a totally awesome site) feels a little tired! I guess a lot of people now just read a very few blogs and visit the ASP.NET main site for all their information. This is a real pity, I can't really imagine trying to learn ASP.NET from scratch using just the 'calssic' sources of information. Oh, there is one exception, EggHeadCafe - very cool stuff there!
Hopefully it's just something I'm missing and there's some other sites which do fill this niche - so what sites do you use most, where's the best non-blog source for great ASP.NET information?

Oh, and I just bought a mini-Mac yay!

[Via Scott Galloway]

1 Comment

  • i would beg to differ. right now i am in the middle of a huge blog explosion in france. my blog is often used as reference material for others, because i use it with nokia lifeblog, to create movie posts, web posts, photo posts. maybe my blog is on the lighter side of news, but many people enjoy to read it. now i am launching a news portal about tech stuff and happenings. the problem for you guys with the french blogs is that you cant read french. le monde has a blog, l'express has a blog, l'figaro has a blog! it's crazy. it was in the new york times the other day how blogs are exploding here. just to let you know.

    my blog you can read under my "journal" link.

    take care!

    and that's a crazy photo of the vb girls!

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