WSO2 releases Carbon

WSO2 just announced the debut of Carbon SOA Framework which extends some of their award winning products with componentization capabilities based on the OSGI   specifications. Additionally, they have also announced the first wave of products based on the Carbon framework which includes WSO2 Web Services Application Server (WSAS) 3.0, WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB 2.0), and WSO2 Registry 2.0, as well as the new WSO2 Business Process Server (BPS).

If you haven't heard of WSO2 I encourage you to check those guys out. They have made a remarkable effort for extending some of Apache's Web Services technologies with true enterprise capabilities and I think it's fair to say that their product suite is currently the most complete SOA offering in the Java world.

I am partially skeptical about the impact OSGI will have in the way we build Service Oriented applications but I think that efforts like Carbon can only do good to a Java-SOA market that has been constantly hurt for poor performance and high complexity of some of the products provided by the major vendors.

1 Comment

  • Just curious about our skepticism - are you thinking about the OSGi programming model, or the Spring mapping to it? Or is this the question about whether or not the OSGi programming model will be widely adopted? I am thinking the OSGi programming model, and perhaps most importantly via Spring, will be of significant benefit to SOA developers, and so am curious about your thinking here.

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