WebLogic 10 is here

BEA WebLogic 10 has been released. I am particularly impressed with the enhancements to the Web Services stack which includes:

-WS-Security 1.1
-WS-Secure Conversations
-SAML Token Profile
-Binary (MTOM) web service message attachments (for images or other binary data)
-10.0 Service Control now works with 8.1 Web services including callbacks  


  • What about WS-Transaction Spec which was supposed to be included in WLS 10.0, if i am not wrong.

  • Hi, i'm trying to invoke a secure web service that is deployed at weblogic 10 from wcf client, so i searched in the web without any answer about how to do that.

    I saw many entrys for you, maybe yo have some information about that, so if yo can help me please send to me an email


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