Speaking at Microsoft's Duth DevDays

Last  week I had the pleasure of presenting two sessions at Microsoft's Dutch DevDays at Den Hague. On Tuesday I presented a sessions about how to implement real world RESTFul services patterns using WCF, WCF Data Services and ASP.NET MVC2. During that session I showed a total of 15 small demos that highlighted how to implement key aspects of RESTful solutions such as Security, LowREST clients, URI modeling, Validation, Error Handling, etc. As part of those demos I used the OAuth implementation created by my colleague Pablo Cibraro.

On Wednesday (March 31st ) I delivered a session that introduces a refactored version of the traditional Enterprise Integration Patterns from a cloud computing perspective. Specifically, I spent a lot of time explaining how the use of the Windows Azure Platform AppFabric Service Bus can change some of the fundamental patterns of enterprise integration solutions. I had a full house on both sessions and got a lot of interesting feedback and questions from a very enthusiastic audience.

This is first time presenting at Dutch DevDays and I was really impressed by the impeccable organization of the event and the energy of the attendees. Big kudos to Arie Leeuwesteijn and his team for putting together a great conference.  

PS: The demos for my sessions will soon be available on this weblog.


  • I attended the Tuesday session. It was one of the best sessions I attended. Looking forward to seeing demos soon!

  • Ryan: Not yet. I wasn't part of the CTP program, and frnkaly, it was an scenario I had not tried till this week anyway. Will see what I can do about reporting it.Patrick: The reason is that having it in the same project plain didn't work. It appears to be a side effect of the new build process (probably artifacts getting compiled in the wrong order, or something like that). So importing it in a separate project was just a means to getting the WCF port/schemas built before the orchestration using them.

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