Pat Helland is back

A few weeks ago my good friend Harry Pierson mentioned me that Pat Helland was back at Microsoft working on the Developer Division. For those of you who haven’t heard about him; Pat has been one of the main contributors to transactional programming technologies during the last 20 years. His contributions include technologies such as MTS, COM+ and the recent SQL Server Service Broker. Before returning to Microsoft Pat spent two years working on Web Services. Well, now Pat is not only back at Microsoft but he started blogging again!!!

1 Comment

  • I attended Pat's "Life Beyond Distributed Transactions" at TechEd and found it to be very enlightening. I loved it! I talked to Pat for several minutes afterward and found him very personable and engaging. I am now working on re-designing my company's core POS system and am taking a serious look at Service Broker based on Pat's class.

    BTW, what drew me to your post in the search results, was your mention of Harry Pierson. Is this the same Harry Pierson who worked with SQL Server in the Los Angeles Office in the late 90's?? If so, that's my buddy. Harry and I worked closely together on a prototype SQL Server CE project back in '99 and '00. I think we called it Pocket Teacher. Please tell Harry hello for me and that he can drop me a line at if he wants to. Thanks.

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