Lightweight SOA

A few months ago my colleague Don Demsak and I started collaborating on a paper about the principles of "Lightweight SOAs". Fundamentally, the paper intends to demystify some of the aspects around big SOA enterprise projects and propose some patterns that facilitate the implementation of these architecture using emerging architecture styles (REST, cloud computing, etc) and technologies in a very agile manner. Thanks to Diego Dagum and his team, the paper has been included in the latest issue of the Microsoft Architecture Journal.

I understand that some of the ideas proposed in the paper can seem radical to the traditional SOA practitioner but I believe they are worth exploring. All our ideas have been based on the lessons learned while working on very complex SOA solutions throughout the last few year.

I hope you enjoy the paper. Please feel free to send me feedback thru this weblog or to jesus dot rodriguez @ telllago dot com.

1 Comment

  • I think that more companies, especially in the mid market, would warm up to a slimed down SOA approach where the services are more....grammar like.

    If the endpoint services can be understood and composed in a simple pseudo sentence, then the use and re-use of such services can be assured.

    The returning data should aslo be presented in a rational manner - pushing back an encyclopedia is just irresponsible.

    We are trying to take this approach with ECGridOS, our EDI SOA WSDL grammar.

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