Jesus Rodriguez's WebLog

Microsoft MVP BizTalk Server Oracle ACE

  • Orcas Durable Services

    Long running WCF Services is another great feature of the new Orcas Beta 1. Implementing durable service is always a combination of persisting the message itself as well as the state of the service. The current version of WCF provides stateful WCF services using sessions. However this feature does not address a lot of the most common enterprise stateful services scenarios on which state of an service instance needs to be persisted to a more robust durable store in order to handle unexpected events like host recycling, server shutdown, etc. Other Microsoft technologies such as BizTalk Server and Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) do provide support for long running services. Specifically, WF provides an extensible model based on persistence services that allow developers to create their own mechanisms for persisting the state of a WF instance.

  • Teched demo

    Thanks to all the people who attended to my session at Teched. The sample code and presentation can be downloaded from here. The Before folder contains the template code we used to create the adapter. Similarly, the After folder contains the final code of the adapter.

  • Teched Orlando

    This year I will be sharing stage again with my friend Sonu Arora who is the Program Manager for the WCF Line of Business Adapters SDK (official name until they change it again).  We will be talking about using WCF to build Line of Business Adapters, Architecture principles among other topics. The best part is that we are going to (surprise surprise) build a real adapter as part of one of our demonstrations!! We also are going to show how to consume adapters from .NET apps, BizTalk Server and SharePoint Server Business Data Catalog. I'll be posting the code online soon.

  • Pat Helland is back

    A few weeks ago my good friend Harry Pierson mentioned me that Pat Helland was back at Microsoft working on the Developer Division. For those of you who haven’t heard about him; Pat has been one of the main contributors to transactional programming technologies during the last 20 years. His contributions include technologies such as MTS, COM+ and the recent SQL Server Service Broker. Before returning to Microsoft Pat spent two years working on Web Services. Well, now Pat is not only back at Microsoft but he started blogging again!!!

  • Using the Orcas JsonSerializer

    One of the really cool features included in the Orcas bits is the integration between Microsoft AJAX 1.0 and WCF. My buddy Steve Maine has been doing an amazing job evangelizing this technology. One of the components that make possible the “WCF-Atlas” magic is the DataContractJsonSerializer. This is the component that serializes .NET objects into a JSON representation and deserializes JSON data back into .NET objects. Using the DataContractJsonSerializer is fairly similar to using other .NET serializers. Let’s take the following WCF Data Contract as an example:

  • Usign the WCF-NetMsmq adapter

    I got some interesting comments on my recent post about the differences between the MSMQ and WCF-NetMSMQ BizTalk Server adapters from a developer perspective. As I explained in that post, one of the main reasons for choosing WCF-NetMSMQ adapter over the MSMQ adapter is the possibility of having type information (a.k.a WCF contract) available at design time. Let’s take a look to a practical example.

  • Oracle ACE award

    If you have been following this blog during last year you know I have been doing a lot of work with J2EE .NET Web Services interoperability. Specifically, a lot of my work and papers have been focused on Oracle .NET interoperability. Well, a few weeks ago Oracle awarded me with an Oracle ACE (the equivalent to a Microsoft MVP). The Oracle ACE program has some fundamental differences with the Microsoft MVP program including the fact that Oracle employees can be awarded too. I am truly honored for receiving this award and I am really looking forward to keep working with the Oracle and Microsoft product teams and the developer community in general.