VSIP: Whidbey Commands on VS 2003

This is a sample of using Automation on a VSIPExtras package.

If you don't know how many things you can do with automation I recommend you read this book http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/books/6425.asp

I don't want wait for Whidbey in order to use a couple of useful commands in the IDE, then I implemented them for VS2003.


Documentation (Full documentation will be available on Whidbey documentation :)

  • Close All but this  ( Close all document windows but this)
  • Copy Full Path    (  Copy the full path of the active document to the clipboard )
  • Show File In Explorer ( Show File in Explorer :)


  • Download   (Code included)  Check this post
  • Open visual studio command prompt and run "devenv /setup"





  • Cooly - If you were doing requests, what about "Collapse All Projects" in the solutions explorer?

  • Excellent! Thanks!

  • Too Awesome...thanks! :)

  • There is an error in the setup, it consider that you have your system disk in c:\windows,

    Change this registry key with your systemfolder path in order to fix this problem


    InprocServer32 = (SystemFolder)\mscoree.dll

    Just to know, where do you have your system folder, because I was having problems in some machines then I wanna know if this could be the cause.


  • My system folder is c:\windows as default.



  • I'm having the same issue as atempcode@yahoo.com The menu appears but nothing happens when I invoke it

  • open the installation folder and add the Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSIP.Helper.dll to the GAC.

    I mean "gacutil -i Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSIP.Helper.dll"

  • Did that Still no luck nothing happens I copied Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSIP.Helper.dll into the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin directory and ran the gacutil but it still dosent work.

  • I can't get it to work. I have added it to the GAC with no luck.

  • Whats the matter with running the devenv /setup in the VS command promt? Perhaps that will get it work...

  • I didn't succeed in running it. I have windows 2000 Professionnal. I made all updates you said (registry key + GAC) and it still doesn't work. Do you know why?

  • After installing C++ components from Visual Studio 2003, I got the 3 new items displayed but still no action attached to them. If someone got he solution...

  • I can't get it running too! I can't find the key in the registry....

  • I found that key @ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.1\Packages\{051eb58c-fb72-486e-af47-d99ab9fdfeb0} but it did not run at all .... :-(

  • I cannot download this sample. Could you please make it available? Are these menu items on the context menu of a file tab, aren't they? Could you please tell me how can I add/remove menu items from that? I searched through the QueryStatus methods, but I did not find any suitable for implementing this. Thanks

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