Retrofitting Unit Tests
This is a post that I had written a while back and never committed to it, I think it's because the title has the potential to kick up a storm. Well I have been reading the new web site for the past couple of hours (I know I should be doing some real work, but I would put it down to research). What a brilliant site, well done guys. Anyway the census I have come to is that re unit tests:
"Start afresh. Only think about writing tests when you are writing new code. This can be re-working of old code, or a completely new feature." link
Well I am going through a refactoring period at the moment before the next big project kicks off. Following Martin Fowlers advice on not having to do large spells of it, but just a little here and there, even after a week the code base is already looking sweeter. It is always amazing to look over old code, I have come across several methods which are doing more than one thing so extracting methods and introducing simple unit test where I think they are needed. As I am doing this I have come across a few tools which can help in adding unit tests to your code. One of the tools which helps do just that is NUnitGenAddIn. It is very simple to use as it adds a context menu to Visual Studio allowing you to generate a unit test for the method selected. There are a few other unit test generators out there, some of which I have come across are-:
Kellerman Nunit Test Generator
Edwinyeah TestGen.Net
Novell NUnitGen AddIn
There is also the Pex Automated Exploratory Testing for .NET from Microsoft, but I haven't had a chance to look at this yet. Has anybody had experience with automated exploratory testing?