Off on my way to CI
I am sure there are a lot of developers out there who already use Continuous Integration (CI). personally I plan on moving over to a CI environment but I want to dip my toes in the water first to see how the various aspects of CI can work for me. Readers of my previous blog will know that I have already set up Subversion. More recently I have started to use NAnt and in this post I will quickly cover how I set it up to be run from VS 2005.
For those of you who don't know what NAnt is, basically it is an automated build tool. It is run from the command line and reads configuration data from a .build file.
Why use NAnt over Visual Studio?
NAnt doesn't need VS to be running to run a build job, so it can be scheduled to run at any time.
It can automatically check out code from your source control.
It can run any unit tests.
If you have any other files which you want copied over to the build directory, you simply specify them.
Firstly you can get NAnt from here.
Once downloaded, extract it to somewhere on you drive.
I use C:\Program Files\NAnt
In Visual Studio go to Tools >> External Tools then click on Add.
You need to specify the buildfile for NAnt. I keep my build configuration for all projects in a file called in the root of my project. This way going to Tools >> NAnt will build the project I am currently in without having to pass any other parameter. For arguments, use this.
The build file is actually an XML document where you specify tasks for NAnt. Within this XML are <project> and <target> tags where you specify the tasks.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="myApp" default="build" basedir=".">
<target name="build">
<delete dir="nant_build" />
<mkdir dir="nant_build" />
<mkdir dir="nant_build\Docs" />
<mkdir dir="nant_build\Images" />
Add <sources> and <references> for your project like this.
<csc target="exe" output="nant_build\myApp.exe">
<includes name="myClasses.cs"/>
<includes name="stuff.cs"/>
<includes name="Web References\webbyservice\Reference.cs"/>
<includes name="myDLL.dll" />
If there are any files you want to copy over to the build directory use the <copy> tag with the todir attribute like this.
<copy todir="nant_build">
<fileset basedir=".">
<include name="ReadMe.txt" />
Now running Tools >> NAnt will compile your app and copy any additional files to a nant_build directory.
There is so much more to NAnt which I haven't even touched on here. As I explore it more I will blog my findings.
p.s. No I don't actually call my files myClasses,cs or stuff.cs, that is just for an example. Although I did know a developer who had methods called DoStuff().